OpenDKIM 2.10.1-2 Now Available for Fedora/RHEL

From: Steve Jenkins <>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2015 09:45:35 -0700

FYI - the OpenDKIM 2.10.1-3 RPM package is now available in the "stable"
repos for F22, F21, F20, EPEL7, EPEL6, and EPEL5.

The most major change in this package (other than including 2.10.1 source
bits) is that on initial start-up, the package no longer auto-creates a set
of default keys. To comply with updated SELinux policies, users must now
either run the opendkim-default-keygen script as a privileged user, or
manually build their own keys using /usr/sbin/opendkim-genkey.

The updated package also includes a new README.fedora file with
platform-specific configuration instructions.

I have also updated my install & config blog post for Fedora/RHEL package
users here:

If you find any package-related bugs, please feel free to forward them to
me, or post them in Bugzilla.


Steve Jenkins
Received on Tue Mar 24 2015 - 16:45:49 PST

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