RE: Using results of dkim for gmail

From: Martijn Grooten <>
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 12:23:00 +0100

> My understanding is that gmail ALWAYS signs messages via dkim, as does
> ebay and paypal. In 2008, gmail started blocking ebay and paypal
> messages that did not pass dkim checking. I'd like to do something
> similar. So, is there any flaw if I decide to:
> If an email comes from gmail or ebay or paypal, and, it has no dkim
> signature, reject the message
> Note, I didn't even say it had to pass. It would seem that there should
> be no chance of it not being signed, right? So, any message meeting my
> criteria is 100% forged.

I know of at least on (proprietary) spam-filter that did just that: blocking/discarding messages claiming to come from Gmail with no DKIM-signature at all.

Then they stopped doing it, because Gmail did not sign Gmail-to-Gmail messages and when the recipient had set a forwarding rule, the message still wasn't signed.

This has since been fixed (I just verified - Gmail does now sign Gmail-to-Gmail messages, as does it sign) but because of an edge case like this I would be hesitant to assume Gmail signs all messages, just because it looks like they do.

Just my two cents...


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