Re: [late-review] Re: libar,1.9,1.10 ar.3,1.1,1.2 ar.c,1.7,1.8 ar.h,1.2,1.3

From: Mike Markley <>
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010 12:38:15 -0700

On Wed, Sep 01, 2010 at 09:46:50AM -0700, Murray S. Kucherawy <> wrote:
> > Does an attempt to request the TCP upgrade result in something failing,
> > or is it silently ignored?
> Previously you would re-instantiate the library in TCP mode and then re-send your query through the new handle. Now the same handle will upgrade itself when truncation occurs. The caller doesn't need to take any action.

In my mind, the key issue for whether a new ABI version is needed is
whether applications linked against the old one will break with the new
one. So if doing it the old way will cause an issue, or if the function
signature has changed, or if the output behavior is otherwise different
now than it was before, then it definitely makes sense. On the other
hand, if a program linked against will continue to work
if this new library is laid down in its place, then it's probably not

It's also not hugely onerous to bump the version number, of course, but
that means a recompilation will be needed to take advantage of future
bugfixes, whether those change the ABI or not.

Mike Markley <>
  "... freedom ... is a worship word..."
  "It is our worship word too."
- Cloud William and Kirk, "The Omega Glory", stardate unknown
Received on Wed Sep 01 2010 - 19:38:24 PST

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