Please review - br-dblack-autoimprovements

From: Daniel Black <>
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 23:46:33 +1100

As per the release notes there are the changes on the branch:

+ OPENDKIM: Generate opendkim.conf.5 man page containing all features,
+ including FFR, annotated with if they are included and their
+ experimental status (for FFRs).
+ LIBOPENDKIM: Improve static linking against openssl as noted by Roman
+ Gelfand. Compiles against openssl version 1.0.0-beta4 now.
+ LIBOPENDKIM: Provide pkg-config files {opendkim,vbr,ar}.pc for use by
+ other applications.
+ LIBOPENDKIM: Fix up libresolv detection.
+ BUILD: Add pkg-config checks for openssl, tre and opendbx packages to
+ determine their installed library locations. Automate
+ versioning and deployment.
+ BUILD: Added m4 macro library directory with updated ax_pthread.m4.
+ BUILD: Moved feature, _FFR and library #defines from Makefiles to
+ build-config.h. Added macros for FFR and FEATURES.

Recommended testing:

* Compile against openssl 1.0.0 static and non-static libraries on different
platforms. I added libdl to the openssl libraries where pkg-config doesn't
detect it as openssl seems to bundle engines as separate libraries.

On x86_64 linux I can only link to static openssl if I configure with
./configure --disable-shared due to linker relocation issues which is

* Centos - revert to the old original libtools and see if it will compile.
Hopefully the m4/libtool.m4 will be used on autoreconf to generate a working

* Check parameter descriptions on

* Loop through enabling features

for a in debug arlib allsymbols parsetime dnsupgrade query_cache filter stats
vtags vbr sender_macro selector_header select_canicalization report_intervals
redirect replace_rules multiple_signatures identity_header dkim_reputation
diffheaders capture_unknown_errors bodylengthdb popauth; do make -j3 clean;
./configure --enable-$a && make -j3 && make -j3 check || exit 1; done

I auto-enabled (if its there it will compile) opendbx. Not sure if that is
desirable or not.
Received on Fri Nov 13 2009 - 12:47:18 PST

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