Re: Bugs, features, etc.

From: SM <>
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 08:05:10 -0700

Hi Murray,
At 11:29 18-08-2009, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
>What sorts of bugs/issues are you guys comfortable having assigned to you?

I'm not sure how to answer that. I guess that I can fix some of the
bugs that are filed.

>I've got one open feature request that requires addition of at least
>one new config item for the filter. There's an incoming bug report
>that requires a change to a default table inside libopendkim as
>well, which requires a minor edit and then some testing. And
>there's this issue about compiling with libdb on Debian which has
>been mentioned on opendkim-users but not opened as a bug yet (the
>guy hasn't replied to my query for more info either). So we have a
>feature request, a bug and a build issue so far.

I may be able to take up some feature requests, bugs or build
issues. I'll have to read up on them before I can say whether to
assign them to me. I am not 100% up to speed with the OpenDKIM code
and I will probably have questions for you.

>I'm fine with just taking stuff on the list on a volunteer basis but
>when things actually get opened in the bug system on SourceForge I'd
>like to get them assigned to show responsiveness. Just wondering
>what, if anything, is OK for me to assign to other people.

If you want to assign them through SourceForge, that's fine with me.

Received on Wed Aug 19 2009 - 15:08:00 PST

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