Re: how to configure opendkim to sign using domains from "from" and "return-path"

From: SM <>
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2016 02:21:41 -0800

Hi Luke,
At 05:11 14-12-2016, Lukasz Ochoda wrote:
>I can see that some ESPs they started signing twice the email
>message, once for the "from" domain and once for actual sending
>domain (the one used in the return0path header)
>For example, the email is sent using below headers:
>Return-Path: <<>>
>From: "Luke" <<>>
>Can I do this using opendkim? How?

The "Return-Path" cannot be signed as that header is added on
delivery of the message.

Received on Sat Dec 17 2016 - 10:22:32 PST

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