Re[2]: Log not verbose enough

From: Miha Vrhovnik <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 21:00:18 +0100

"Todd Lyons" <> wrote on 12.1.2011 17:33:45:

>On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 12:32 AM, Miha Vrhovnik <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have the following configured in opendkim.conf
>> LogWhy  yes
>> Syslog  Yes
>> SyslogFacility  mail
>> SyslogSuccess   Yes
>> and the line in log after successful signing is
>> "Jan 12 08:16:43 smtp opendkim[19168]: 4A923246030: DKIM-Signature header added"
>> I'm finding this not verbose enough. Is this by design and so should I file a feature request? I'm missing at least selector and the "from field" it was used to select a key.
>I use another line with the same queue id in my maillog to determine
>who the sender is.
>Sendmail should also be logging some lines about what it's being told
>to do by the milter. This is an example from my logfile:
Unfortunately I'm using Postfix and Postfix doesn't log anything. So the only information in the log is the one written by opendkim.
I'd find the information in your reply too verbose well it'd be fine for debugging purposes.

You are also right I could trace back the message based on the postfix message id, but if that is present in the same line it's easier to grep as you get less noise:)

Received on Wed Jan 12 2011 - 20:00:38 PST

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