Re: Request for a license change

From: SM <>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 00:20:45 -0700

Hi Murray,
At 23:23 18-03-10, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
>What the BSD license does not do is force derivative works to be as
>free as OpenDKIM is. Someone could build something proprietary
>based on it and only needs to include our copyright notice; there's
>no obligation to contribute any improvements back to the community.

I would not lose sleep over the fact that someone is not contributing
back improvements. I'll rephrase what you said, there is no legal obligation.

It would be in the best interest of this project if people making
changes to the code contribute their improvements. "We would like
people to contribute their changes back to the community". I hope
that is perfectly clear.

Now, if you have anything else to say to me, please ask your lawyer
to talk to my lawyer. :-)

Received on Fri Mar 19 2010 - 07:21:09 PST

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