Re: Recent libresolv changes may have broken something

From: SM <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 16:21:45 -0800

Hi Murray,
At 15:33 12-02-10, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
>We changed so that if it detects -lresolv is required,
>this gets applied as a dependency of libopendkim and not of the
>filter itself. This appears to have broken things on Solaris 8:
>- libmilter requires inet_aton() which is inside libresolv
>- we detect -lresolv is needed, but stick this into LIBRESOLV instead of LIBS
>- the tests for smfi_register() fail because libmilter wants
>inet_aton() but the tests don't apply LIBRESOLV, so the test build fails

This issue is specific to Solaris. I suggest adding LIBRESOLV for
that OS. Yes, it is going to be called a hack.

>- roll back our tests to use AC_SEARCH_LIBS so that LIBS is set
>appropriately in general (might reintroduce whatever conflict it is we fixed)

We are going to break other stuff like that. The Beta is already out
and it is not worth doing such a change at this stage.

Received on Sat Feb 13 2010 - 00:22:09 PST

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